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* Avoid placing the dispersive electrode over a tattoos. (1) Inks (red in particular) contain metals which could serve as a heat or electrical conductor. (2) Although there have been no reported electrosurgery injuries from patient return electrodes placed over tattoos, superheating of the tissue has occurred during magnetic resonance imaging, therefore, it is prudent to avoid this site when possible. 3(1), (2) Recommended Practices for Electrosurgery, Standards, Recommended Practices, and Guidelines (2008). AORN. Denver: CO. Valleylab Clinical Hotline Form Letter to Customer concerning placement of patient return electrode over tattoos (3) AORN, Ibid. * No data indicate that using electrosurgical techniques in the pregnant patient has any untoward effect on the fetus at any stage of development. The fetus, bathed in electrolyte-rich amniotic fluid, is protected from any concentration of electrical current owing to the dispersion effect bathed in electrolyte-rich amniotic fluid, is protected from any concentration of electrical current owing to the dispersion effect. Just as the radio wave frequency of all generators is above the cardiac effect (the level that stimulates muscle contraction) for adult electrosurgery, the same is true for the fetus. Te Lindes Operative Gynecology Text, Eighth Edition, Chapter 16, page 330 * Why do surgical team members sometimes get shocked while holding a hemostat? A hole in their glove, frequently blamed for this occurrence, is actually a result of the current penetrating the glove and creating a pinpoint burn. The current applied to the hemostat that is clamped to the bleeding vessel will travel to the tissue, seeking the return electrode and thus attempting to complete the circuit. As the tissue is desiccated, the resistance rises. When the resistance reaches a point where the path of least resistance becomes the person holding the hemostat, the current will take that path. Scrubbed members of the surgical team frequent


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