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Gothic architecture Gothic architecture is a style of architecture, which developed in Europe during the high and late medieval period. Originating in the 12th century in France and lasting into the 16th century, Gothic architecture was known during the period as “the French Style”. Its main features include the pointed arch(尖肋拱顶 ), the stained glass(彩绘玻璃) and the flying buttress(飞扶壁). medieval period :中世纪 The pointed arch(尖肋拱顶 ) Pointed Arch is simply known as the Gothic arch and was reconstructed from cylindrical vault of Roman architecture. There are four stones at the end of the arch supporting the power from the top so that the height and the span of the arch are no longer restricted and the arch can be made as large and high as possible. It is interesting to note that architects of the modern world believe that the pointed arch was actually the result of an attempt to hide technical flaws. The stained glass (彩绘玻璃) Gothic architecture gradually abolishes the gallery and aisle and increases the size of the window. These windows are high enough, almost to be used as the walls. The stained glass, covered with religious stories which help to illustrate the doctrines to illiterate people is of high artistic achievement. There are two main colors, blue and red. Blue symbolizes the heaven and red symbolizes the blood of Christ. The flying buttress (飞扶壁) There is Flying Buttress which is a supporting facility to share the pressure from the main walls. It has been largely used in Roman Architecture. The original buttress was solid and covered by the roof. However, the buttress with Gothic style is exposed out to be known as flying buttress. Due to the further requirements of the height, the role and appearance of buttress have been greatly enhanced. It is coved with complicated decorates and elaborate carvings. Gothic paintings 胡胜杰 That’s all,thank you! * * American Gothic Made by Hu Shengjie The Goths The Goths were an East Germanic tribe of Scandinavian(斯堪的那维亚人)o



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