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船上常用英语 集装箱绑扎件? Container lashing equipment? 船用集装箱紧固件 Container securing fitting for ships? 埋入式底座 Flush Sockets Flush iso foundatons?? 带孔底板 Double Plate? 立式底座 Raised Foundations? 燕尾底座 Dovetail Foundation / Dovetail plates? 锥头 Welding cone? D型环 D-ring? D型座 Breech D-ring? Removable D-ring? Flush D-ring? 梅花底座 Round sockets 圆底座Round Socket? 眼板 Lashing Eyes / Lashing plates? 导锥 Guide Cone? 导座 Guide fittings? 窝座 Lashing pot 花篮螺丝Turnbuckle? 拉杆Lashing Bar / Lashing rods? 接长杆 Eye hook extension rod/ knob extension rod? 单锥 Single stacker? 横向双锥Double Stacker? 纵向双锥Double Stacker? 安全单锥Hanging Stacker / Lockable stacking cones?? 扭锁Manul Twistlock? 半自动钮锁Semi-automatic Twistlock? 中间钮锁Intermadiate Twistlock? 底部固定扭锁 Fixed base twistlock? 中间锁 Midlock? 燕尾底锁Dovetail Twistlock? 底锁 Bottom Twistlock? 圆形底锁 Breech twistlocks / round twistlock? 侧开底锁 Side twistlocks? 桥锁 桥码 桥型连接器 Bridge Fitting? 支撑 Pressure elements/supports? 波浪杆 Crinkle bar 企鹅钩 Penguin hook? 象脚 Elephant foot? 吊座Lifting Socket? 拉索 steel wire rope / steel wire handle? 活动头Swivel Head? 半自动锁拉锁 wire rope for semi-automatic twistlock 便携式系固设备(portable securing device) (1)系固链条(lashing chain)及紧链器(Tension lever) (2)钢丝缆 lashing rod lashing bar 集装箱绑扎杆 (4)卸扣Shackle 集装箱绑扎件 埋入式底座(imbed foundation) 主要用于仓底,也有用于仓盖上,单埋入式、埋双埋入、纵双埋入和四联埋入 imbed foundation Flush Sockets Flush iso foundaton 立式底座 突出底座 Foundation Raised foundations 东安船舶机械有限公司 Doan Shipping Machinery Co.,Ltd Tel:0574M/P一、甲板部工作用语 1. Hoist/lower the “H” flag, please! 请升起/降下“H”旗! 2.Hoist the Chinese national flag on the fore mast, please! 请在前桅升起中国旗 3.Hoist/lower one black ball, please! 请挂上/降下一个黑球 4.Hoist a red light over the white one. 在白灯上面挂上一只红灯 5.Hoist/lower the anchor ball. 升起/放下锚球 6.Switch on /off the anchor lights. 打开/关闭锚灯 7.Please open the front window. 请开启前面的窗户 8.Clean these windows. 把些窗户清洗干净 9.Open/ close the starboard window/port door, please! 请打开/关上右舷窗户/左舷门 10. Bring the pilot\’s bag to the bridge.把领航员的包拿到驾驶室 11. Lift up the pilot\’s bag from the pilot boa


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