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“英语角”活动游戏 英语小游戏: 猜单词(你来比划,我来猜)。将同学分成几个小组,每个小组按照组织者用口头描述物品,动作或动态,并猜所描述的物品,动作或动态)注:1、在口头描述过程中,可以用肢体及提示性语言,不能说出词条中的任何字。2、猜词过程中,如果违规,则视为作废。台下观众不许提示。3、每组限时3分钟,如果跳过或作废的词不能重新比划。4、以猜词的数量及时间作为评判标准,猜对词数最多为胜者。 游戏1:(1)It is lovely animal on hand. It has a long tail. Often it does something like people because it wants to learn from. It likes climbing trees too.(Monkey 猴子) 它是可爱的动物有一个长尾巴。通常这样的人是因为他们想学习的人。它喜欢爬树 。 (2It`s very useful in summer. It can keep your food cold so that the food won`t so bad. You can put your drinks in it for a few minutes and then take out. They may tastes better.(Fridge 冰箱) 夏天很有用。它可以让你的食物好,食物不会变坏。你可以把你的饮料在这几分钟,然后取出来。 他们可能味道更好。 (3)You do this every day, something in the day , but often at night When you feel tired, you do it. When you do it, you often have drams. (sleep 睡觉) 你每天都这样做。有时在白天,经常在晚上。当你感到累了,你做的。当你经常做梦。 (4)When you own this ,you lose things on your way, you fall off the bike if you go by bike, you go to the bookshop but fail to buy a book because the shop is closed today. You want to wash your hand, but there is no water right now. (bad luck 倒霉) 当你拥有它,你失去的东西在你的路上,你掉下来的自行车,如果你骑自行车,你去书店买书但不能因为商店今天关门。 你想洗你的手,但是没有谁现在。 (5)It is the biggest in the world. It is blue. When you are in the open air and look up, you will see it. When it is happy ,the sun shines. When it is not happy, it will cry and plenty of tears drop from it. (sky天空) 它是世界上最大的。它是蓝色的当你在户外,抬头看,你会看到它。高兴的时候,太阳的光芒。当它是不快乐,它将哭泣和大量的眼泪从它。 (6)When you fishing, you sit on it. When you went to get some money, you go there. (bank银行) 当你去钓鱼时,你坐在当你想要一些钱,你去哪里. (7)You buy something from the shop and never use it, you say it is …..You get up the next morning, you have a …..day. You and john just become friends. You make a friends. (new 新的) 你买的东西从商店和不使用它,你说它是……… 第二天早上起床。 你有一个……. 你和约翰刚刚成为朋友使…… 朋友。(your son 你的儿子) (8)He knows you well and you know him well. He is the daughter your father`s son but you are not your father`s. Who is he? 他知道你很好,你了解他.他是你父亲的儿子的女儿,不过不是你的爸爸的女儿.他是谁? 自由交谈话题: 以“food and health”为主题谈论饮食健


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