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As the base of manufacture field, manufacture of machine tool is very important representation of technology and synthesized strength for a country. The hybrid parallel machine tool (HPM) is a new kind of numerical control machine tool, and it is an innovative application in the area of numerical control machine tool including parallel mechanism, numerical control technology and computer control technology.
The HPM studied in this paper is an absolute new type of machine tool developed in recent years. Not only it inherits the features of PKM (Parallel Kinematical Machine) such as high stiffness, high precision and good feed speed, but also makes up the disadvantages of traditional machine tool. With the development of technology, this type of machine tool will gradually show its potential in the practical application. At the same time, it will promote development and utilization of the industry of machine tool manufacturing and lay the foundation for our manufacturing system.
The hardware of CNC system is made up of IPC (Industrial Personal Computer), PMAC, DPRAM (double port RAM), AC servo driver, motor spindle controller etc. This paper explicates functions and features of all components in detail.
PMAC was used as the controller, the CNC system of parallel double CPU based IPC and Windows operating system was adopted. PMAC exerts real time control such as differential, location control etc. IPC exerts non real-time control such as administer, supervise etc.
The software CNC system of the machine tool is developed with Visual C++ in the operation system of Windows XP. All software is designed in the way of modularization, and we divide different functions into different modules, and each function module is relatively independent just contacting with each other by interface function. PComm32 of PMAC provides convenience for accomplishing every functional module in the Visual C++ development platform. In addition, the friendly and rea
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