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2011 4 19 2 Chin J Intervent Cardiol, April 2011, Vol 19, No12 # 95# # # 于淼 周玉杰 阎赢 王志坚 史冬梅 刘宇扬 赵迎新 成万钧 郭永和 = ( PC I) , ( F irebird) ( Cypher Sele t) 1 2004 1 2006 12 ( SES) 2000, , Fireb ird( Fireb ird; 1004) Cypher ( Cypher; 996) 1 (MACE ), 1 1, ( SES) MA CE( 171 8% 1816% , P = 01666) ( 41 7% 51 1% , P = 01 649 ) ( 412% 418% , P = 01493) ( 91 0% 816% , P = 01795) 12/ ( 111% 11 0% , P = 01 841) , DES 1MACE Fireb ird SESCypher SES 1 = ; ; Comparison of one-year clinical outcom es of dom estic siro lim us-eluting stents versus imported sirolim us-eluting stents for the treatm ent of coronary artery disease YU M iao, ZH OU Yu-j ie, YAN Ying, WANG Zhi-j ian, SH I D ong-m e,i L IU Yu -yang, ZHA O Ying-x in, CHEN G Wan- jun, GUO Yong- he1 A n hen H osp ital, Cap ital M ed ical University, B eij ing, Ch ina Corresp onding author: ZH OU Yu-j ie, Emai:l yj hou@ ho tma il1com = Abstract Objective T o om pare the lini al out omes betw een treatm entw ith dom esti sirolmi us- elu ting stents ( SES) and mi ported SES1M ethods Tw o thousand onse utive patients treated w ith SESs from January 2004 to De ember 2006 in Anzhen hosp italw ere in luded in th is study1 Based on the d ifferen e of the stents, the patients w ere divided into 2 groups in luding the dom esti SES ( Fireb ird stent) group ( n = 1004) and the mi ported SES ( Cypher stent) group ( n = 996) 1 C lin i al out om es were mon itored for one year1 The prmi ary endpoint w as the in iden e of m ajor adverse ard ia even ts ( MACE ): a om posite of death, nonfatalm yo ard ial in far tion ( M I), and targe


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