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Many stores do not discount at all. 许多商店出售商品一概不打折扣。 I bought this coat at half-price/at 50% discount.? 我用半价[5折]买的这件外衣. Page ? * daily necessity 日常生活用品 franchised [‘fr?n’t?a?z] store 专卖店 In 流行的 out 过时的 E.g. Those hats are?in. 4. Funky [‘f??ki] clothes 另类的衣服 5. shopping freak 购物狂 Page ? * Do you like shopping? How often do you usually go shopping? Where do you usually go shopping? When do you go shopping? How do you feel about Retail Therapy? Who do you think love to go shopping more, ladies or gentleman? Why? Questions Questions about shopping Page ? * Retail Therapy--购物疗法 ... is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyers mood or disposition. Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy are sometimes referred to as comfort buys wikepedia Page ? * 1. Do you like shopping?   Wow, I am definitely a shopping freak. And you know, I am usually gonna be hitting the books from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, so I think shopping is the thing that can make me totally relaxed and refreshed. And I can also get a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction every time when I open my wardrobe [’w?:dr?ub] which is full of eye-catching outfits. Page ? * 2.?Where do you go shopping?   Wow, shopping , I have to say I am a big shopping freak. Big shopping mall like GuoMao is definitely my shopping paradise where my eyes are always glued by millions of international labels. Moreover, good quality, long-term warranty[‘w?r?nti], good customer service will be all guaranteed if you shop over there. Page ? * Vocabulary good quality 好的质量   long-term warranty 长期质保   good customer service 好的客户服务   guarantee 保障   shopping paradise 购物天堂 glue v.用胶水将物体粘合,粘牢,粘贴 Page ? * 3. When do you go shopping?   Generally speaking, I am usually gonna be shoppin


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