初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》教案.doc

初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》教案.doc

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初中英语八年级下册《Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells》教案

Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section A(第一课时) 教学目标 1. Learn the words and phrases from the part. 2. Learn the structures from the part. 3. Deal with the language goals in this part. 4. Learn to give love to others and the world. 教学重点、难点 1. Train the students’ listening skills. 2. Structure: How long have …been doing? How long has…been doing 教学过程 StepⅠ Free talk What did you do last night? When did you start... How long did you do it? StepⅡ Lead in Talk about what I did last night to lead in the new language structures. StepⅢ Practice and pair work Some pictures for students to practice the new language structures. StepⅣ Listening Task1 Listen and fill in the chart Who How long? Alison I’ve been skating for_________. Sam I skated_____________. Victor I’ve been skating____________. Celia I skated_____________. Task2 Listen and repeat Task3 Pair work Task4 Oral report StepⅤ Reading Task1 Scan and answer two questions For what ? How long Marathon ? Task2 Intensive reading For what How long Marathon ? Alison ? Sam ? Lu Ning ? Li Chen ? Task3 Just listen to the tape. Task4 Read by themselves Task5 Retell according to the chart Task6 Read carefully again and underline the verb tenses. Task7 Fill the blanks with the given verbs. I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Here, students________ (skate) to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skating marathon _________(go) for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start, and ___________(skate) for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he __________(skate) for four hours. Lu Ning __________(skate) for four hours too, and Li Chen just _____(start) an hour ago. Task8 Read the article again and check the answers hobbywhenhow longwhoL hobby when how long who Language points what StepⅦ Group work Make a survey and fill in the chart. A: What


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