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冲动控制 不主观臆断 能够灵活应变 问题解决 职场成功的适应力 现实验证 灵活性 解决问题 快乐工作 开心生活 职场终极体验 乐观精神 快乐心境 情商的有效应用 4 EQ的两面性 EQ的基本元素 诚实是良好EQ的基础 Thank You! * The CLC employee engagement survey[1] found that in organisations with high levels of employee engagemen员工敬业度t, 20% or more of the workforce demonstrated 员工表现the highest level of discretionary effort, compared with only 3% of those in organisations with lowest levels of employee engagement [2]. The CLC concludes that this provides “a definite source of competitive advantage”竞争优势的确切来源 (2004:16a). The CLC claims that high level statistical modelling 统计模型analysis shows that employee engagement accounts for 40% of observed performance improvements of high quality talent. They found a direct relationship between employee engagement and discretionary effort, such that improved workforce commitment results in increased performance of from 20% up to 57% (CLC, 2004:18a).提高员工承诺可以提高 A second benefit of increased workforce commitment or employee engagement is improved retention. Moving from strong non-commitment to strong commitment decreases the probability of departure by 87% (CLC, 2004:19a). The CLC survey also found a strong correlation (0.52) between engagement and financial performance: organisations with above average commitment also tended to have above average financial performance relative to their industry (2004:20b). The main research in the areas of employee engagement has been done by Gallup which estimates that actively disengaged workers who make up 17% of workforce cost US business from $270-$343 billion a year due to low productivity (Melcrum, 2005). Another analysis of Gallup studies by Harter, Schmidt and Keyes (2003) found a strong and substantial positive relationship between employee engagement and productivity and profitability. An international study involving 360,000 employees over 41 companies across 10 of the world’s largest economies found that engaged employees were more loyal, resulting in reduced recru


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