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Brief introduction of the Belt and RoadLi Xiao Ⅰ Basic informationCONTENTS Ⅱ Background ⅢTimeline Ⅳ MeaningⅠ Basic informationWhat is the Belt and Road?The 21st-Century Maritime Silk RoadⅠ Basic informationThe RoadThe Silk Road Economic BeltThe BeltThe official territory of the Belt and Road RussiaThe Belt---three directions EuropeCentral AsiaⅠ Basic informationMediterranean SeaChinaPersian GulfWestern AsiaSouth AsiaSoutheast AsiaSouth China SeaIndian OceanSouth PacificThe Road---two main directionsThe back-up force of the Belt and RoadHigh-speed diplomacyShanghai Cooperation Organization Development BankSilk Road fundⅠ Basic informationThe 21st-Century Maritime Silk RoadAsian Infrastructure Investment BankNuclear diplomacyBRICS BankThe Silk Road Economic BeltⅡ BackgroundThree sectionsⅡ BackgroundHistorical backgroundInternational backgroundDomestic backgroundHistorical backgroundⅡ BackgroundAncient Silk Road Ancient Silk Road started with Changan (now Xi'an) and Luoyang,via Gansu and Xinjiang,finally reached Central Asia and West Asia.It also linked various Mediterranean countries.It promoted the friendly contacts between Asian and European countries and China.International background1.The underlying impact of the international financial crisis keeps emerging.Ⅱ Background2.The world economy is recovering slowly,and global development is uneven.3.The international trade and investment landscape and rules for multilateral trade and investment are undergoing major adjustments.Domestic background1.The necessity of building the Belt and RoadⅡ Background2.The imbalance of regional development3. The seriousness of overcapacity4.The severity of the energy security situationDomestic background1.The necessity of building the Belt and RoadⅡ Background2.The imbalance of regional development3. The seriousness of overcapacity4.The severity of energy security situationⅢ TimelineThe timeline of President Xi Jinping About



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