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精品毕业论文 精品毕业论文 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 高密度钻井液技术难度分析及对策 学生姓名 学 号 教学院系 石油工程学院 专业年级 石油工程 指导教师 职 称 讲师 单  位 西南石油大学 年 6 月 5 日 摘 要 近年来,随着石油资源的不断勘探和开发,钻遇高压地层的情况越来越多。为了平衡地层压力满足钻探高压地层的要求,迫切需要研究出性能优良的高密度钻井液。然而高密度钻井液由于高密度的原因,需要额外的加重剂,这样就给钻井液的流变性带来了很多的困难。鉴于此,找出高密度钻井液流变性的调控机理,从根本上解决高密度钻井液技术难点就尤为重要。 本论文在参考了国内外大量关于高密度钻井液的研究基础上,整理出高密度钻井液的流变性机理和影响因素。从中得出高密度钻井液的技术难点是流变性的控制,而影响流变性最主要的因素就是加重剂。最终从主要影响因素出发探讨出合理控制高密度钻井液流变性的方法,如优选加重材料组合、可溶性甲酸盐技术等。 关键字:高密度钻井液、流变性、难点、加重剂、降滤失剂。 Abstract In recent years, with the continuous exploration and development of oil, more and more high pressure formations are encountered. In order to balance the formation pressure, there is an urgent need to come up with a kind of excellent high-density drilling fluid. However, due to high density, high-density drilling fluid need for weight additive, which has brought a difficulty to rheological property of drilling fluid. In view of this, if the mechanism of rheological property of high-density drilling is found out, the difficulty in high-density drilling fluid can be solved. The paper in reference to a deal of domestic and international research on high-density drilling fluid finds out the mechanism of rheological property of high-density drilling fluid and factors. The difficulty of high-density drilling fluid is how to control the rheological property, and the main influence of rheological property cased by weight additive. So at last the paper put forward some feasible measures to control the rheological property of high-density drilling fluid, such as choosing high quality weight additive, technique of methanoic acid... Keywords: high-density drilling fluid、rheological property、difficulty、 weight additive、filtration control agent. 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc263155923 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc263155923 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc263155924 目 录 PAGEREF _Toc263155924 \h III HYPERLINK \l _Toc263155925 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc263155925 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc263155926 1.1选题意义 PAGEREF _Toc263155926 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _


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