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stimulation test of sidetracking horizontal well with turning on super-short radius in NB field北布扎奇油田短半径侧钻水平井增产试验纲要 水平井是上世纪80年代以后世界上快速发展的一项新型开发技术.特别是老井开窗侧钻水平井技术的发展和短半径水平井钻井技术的成熟不但使水平井钻井成本大大降低,并且更有利于浅井的机械采油作业,可满足浅层井的抽油泵的泵挂深度,因此,旧井开窗短半径水平井技术目前已做为成熟技术在世界油气田的开发中广泛应用于老油田的增产中。 In 1980’s, HW technologies as a new method developed very quickly in the world, especially sidetrack HW by slotting in old well and super-short radius HW which decreased drilling cost and also made for mechanical production of shallow well , that means in shallow well the traditional pump also can be used to pump oil though the well in very low fluid level. Now sidetrack HW by slotting in old well with short radius being an good way has already been applied widely in development of old well stimulation in oil and gas field of the world . advantage 1(优点1:) ?井眼横向穿过油层, 井眼在油层中具有很大的裸露面积,油井生产时的生产压差小,压力涉及面大,产量高; bore hole drills through oil formation in parallel. With a big bare area. Producing pressure difference of Producer is small but exists in big area that get high production. Advantage(优点): 2 ?对底水油藏有较高的临界采油速度,有利于底水油藏的高速开采 For reservoir with bottom water, it has a higher critical oil recovery rate , which is good for producing at high speed . Advantage(优点):3 ?尤其是对薄层油层,可大大提高油井产量。 Especially for thinner layer, production rate can be greatly increased. 利用超短半径水平井技术挖掘目前低产井的生产潜力 To tap potential of dog wells with super-short R HW. 为北布扎奇油田薄油层和底水油层的开采寻找高效的开采方法 To find an efficiency producing method for thinner oil layer and oil formation with bottom water. 白垩系油藏的油层主要以薄层和薄层底水稠油油藏为主,有32%的储量用现有技术开发效率不高和难以开发. Pay zones of K mainly consist of thinner oil layer and sticky thinner oil formation with bottom water. 32% of reserve can’t be produced or produced hardly by present development technology. 为北布扎奇油田薄油层和底水油层的开采寻找高效的开采方法 To find an efficiency producing method for thinner oil layer and oil formation with bottom water. 侏罗系的主力油层多数存在边/底水,常规直井技术开发,边/底水锥井快,油井很快水淹,开发效果差. The most of main pay zo