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最新精品文档,知识共享! 济南大学毕业论文 毕业论文 题 目 我国典当行业发展现状及融资功能研究 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 最新精品文档,知识共享! PAGE 摘 要 典当行作为一种非银行性质的金融机构在国民经济生活中扮演着独特的角色。我国典当业起源可追溯至汉代,历史悠久,但在整个发展过程中典当业却经受了一轮又一轮的挑战。自1978年恢复经营以来,我国经济环境发生了巨大的变化,对典当行业的发展提出了严峻的挑战。随着我国经济的迅速发展和对社会融资需求的日益增长,我国典当业呈现出新的发展态势。本文从探析我国典当行业的发展历程入手,分析目前我国典当行业现状及其功能,选取青岛市的典当行为例,重点研究我国典当行业的融资功能。结合国外典当行业成熟完善的管理经验,为我国典当行业发展提出建议,拓展新的发展方向,更好的发挥典当行业在解决中小企业融资难问题中的积极作用。 关键词:典当行;发展现状;融资功能;发展对策 ABSTRACT Pawn means the customer mortgaged their personal property, property rights or real estate to the pawnshop and pay a percentage fee in order to get the loan from the pawnshop. The customer need to pay interest and the loan to pawnshop within the prescribed period of time and then the customer can get back the mortgaged property. Pawn shops play an important and unique role in the field of financing circulation as a kind of non-bank financial institutions. The pawn industry in China has a long history, but its development is not smooth. The pawnshops in China have regained business since 1978, great changes have taken place in the economic environment in China’s Pawnshops have to face many challenges. With the rapid development of our economy and the growing demand for social financing, Chinas pawnbroking presents new development trend. In this article I analyse the development of the pawn industry in our country, the present status of the pawn industry in China and its functions. I choose the pawnshops in Qingdao as examples. The ariticle focus on the financing function of pawn industry in our country. Combining foreign pawn industry mature and perfect management experience in order to improve pawn industry in our country and to find a new direction, so pawnshop could play a better role in solving the difficult problem of medium-sized enterprise financ


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