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高校英语教师课堂常用语汇编 (1). What to say when beginning a lesson 1. Now it’s time for us to have class. 2. Is that the first bell or the second bell? 3. There goes the bell. Now class begins. 4. Now let me call the roll. 5. Let me check up on you. 6. Is anybody absent today? 7. Everyone is here except Bill.(student on duty) 8. Excuse me for being late, Mr.Smith.(A student) 9. Why is Bill absent? 10. Please come earlier next time. 11. Now let’s begin the new lesson. 12. Please open your books and turn to page 9. 13. Let’s get down to some work. (2). What to say when announcing the teaching plan 1. We are going to take up a new lesson today. 2. Today we’ll conduct the lesson in this way. 3. To begin with, I want you to look at the dialogue on page 7. 4. Before we take up the new lesson, we are going to review lesson 2. 5. This is the 4th period on lesson 6. In this period we’ll start with the revision of the first part of the text. 6. The aim of this lesson is to teach the use of “some” and “any”. 7. We shall have dictation first. Pay attention to the pronunciation and your handwriting. 8. If we have time, we’ll have a short quiz. 9. Where did we stop/leave off last time? (3). What to say when teaching phonetics 1. Notice how my tongue touches my teeth. 2. This is a front/central/back vowel. 3. Your lips should be spread/loosely spread/rounded. 4. transcribe in phonetic symbols what you have heard. 5. You’d better use the falling tone here. 6. We must pay attention to sentence stress/sense groups/liaisons. 7. Put some feeling into your reading. 8. Your should not pause in the middle of a sense group.. 9. You’ve read quite well except for one place… 10. You’ve mispronounced the word… Now listen to me carefully. 11. Say…after me. (4). what to say when teaching new words 1. The word can be used either as a noun or a verb. 2. Can you spell the word “blackboard”? 3. What does the word “…” mean? 4. What does the “…” stand for in the lesson? 5. What is the implied meaning of the word


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