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WORD格式分享 精品资料整理 非谓语动词 非谓语动词主要包括to do, -ing和-ed三种形式,可是其用法非常广泛,它不仅是高考单项选择题测试的一个重点,而且也是完形填空、阅读理解、短文改错的重要考查内容。为了能更好地掌握非谓语动词的用法,老师在教学实践中总结出十条实用的解题原则,并且还用相关的题目来解释这些原则。根据这些原则,相信同学们可以轻松地应对非谓语动词。 非谓语动词的形式 分类 形式 一般式 进行式 完成式 不定式 主动式 to do to be doing to have done 被动式 to be done 无 to have been done V-ing 主动式 doing 无 having done 被动式 being done 无 having been done 过去分词 done 规律性非谓语动词试题的解题步骤(有提示词) 高考中大部分的非谓语动词试题都属于规律性的试题,解答这种类型的题目时,我们需按照“找逻辑主语、判断关系、判断形式”三个步骤来解题,即“第一,找非谓语动词的逻辑主语;第二,判断逻辑主语与非谓语动词之间的逻辑关系,主动?被动?还是表示目的或者将来? 第三,判断非谓语动词的形式。” 注意:在语法填空中,首先要判断所给提示词在句中到底是做谓语还是非谓语。判定用非谓语动词形式的根本依据就是“句中已有谓语”,即,句子不缺谓语的情况下,所给提示词才能考虑用其非谓语动词形式。 一、区分简单句与复合句,判断式谓语动词还是非谓语动词 That was definitely not an attractive idea, so I politely declined her invitation, _closed____(close) my book and walked away. We also have to consider the feeling of the person_receiving______( receive) the gift. Although he has been told many times, he still made (make) the same mistake. He won the first prize and surprised (surprise) all of us. With so many people communicating (communicate) in English every day, it will become more important to have a good knowledge of English. Nowadays, almost everyone_ realizes (realize) that smoking is harmful to people’s health. There was (be) no bus, I had to walk home. Spend (spend) more time on your study, and you are likely to make bigger progress. Spending (spend) more time on your study is necessary for you to make progress in study. He totally devoted himself to science study, which made (make) his family very upset. What the shop is selling (sell) now attracts a lot of customers. The belief is that everyone depends (depend) on themselves, and the choice they make is of great importance. 非谓语动词在高考中的具体应用 一、非谓语动词作状语的题型: 1. __Seen_______ (see) from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of


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