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模块(一):词汇学习 Unit 1 (新世纪版) 选词填空(单句) various occupation grow up all walks of life take up society professional obtain involve explanation impact 1. You can _____________ the product from all good shops. 2. I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to ___________ too much of your time. 3. Teachers help their students in ______________ ways. 4. Don’t ___________ me in your trouble. 5. What do you want to be when you _____________? 6. The invention of computer has an ____________ on human society. 7. The members of the club include people from _______________________. 8. Martin shook his head, but gave no ____________________. 9. My father wants me to become a ______________ like a doctor and an engineer. 10. Please write down your name, age and ____________________ below. 英译汉 1. He became a doctor after graduation, and operated on patients. 2. In the hospital, he would meet people from all walks of life. 3. Cai Yuanpei had a great impact on his future career. 4. Although his mother disagreed with him, wishing him to be a doctor, he made up his mind to be a teacher. 5. He left/quit his job in the hospital to take up teaching. 6. He was involved in setting up the new school. 7. He usually put everything in good order. 8. Even though he had the least experience, he was one of the most popular teachers in this school. 9. With his hard work, students began to take an interest in learning. 10. For the first few years he didn’t draw any salary at all. 11. Students were grateful to him for his help. 汉译英 1. 虽然父母想让他做医生,但他想从教。(take up) 2. 父母对于孩子的影响将会贯穿他们的一生。(all through one’s life) 3. 作为一个学生,你应当多参加班级活动。(be involved in) 4. 昨天的音乐会上有很多观众。(a large audience) 5. 这故事极其复杂,你要花一些时间才能弄明白。(work out) Unit 1 (牛津版) 选词填空(单句) 适当形式 appear; sigh; gesture; hesitation; remark; impress; remind; assist; expression; glance According to their___________, th


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