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Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. Tea has a short history. In China, people like to drink tea when they get together. The Chinese only drink tea in the late afternoon. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea. The English like their tea with nothing else in it. The passage talks about different cultures of drinking tea in four countries. II. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词。) Jimmy’s favorite food is chicken, chocolate and ice cream. Jimmy’s mother is worried about his health because he is fat and . Jimmy hates doing but he likes watching TV at weekends. Last week, Jimmy was . Jimmy is not healthy because he has a bad . Jimmy thinks he will be and healthier. Part 2 Vocabulary (第二部分 词汇) I. 根据音标写出所对应的单词,词性及中文词义 /t??(r)/ /?s?ni/ /?ri:zn/ /?w?ndi/ /s??pra?z??/ /ha?/ /?b?z?:v?tri/ /r??p?:t/ /?fl??t??/ /?sa?kl/ /?f?gi/ /?sn??i/ II. 写出所给单词的词性及词义 guide pigeon creek bund grand theatre botanical garden oriental pearl century technology sightseeing view paradise therefore district Maglev state resort plaza cruise wet temperature low Celsuis degree sauna vapour fall blow grow shine sea bloom ski snowman sandcastle outdoor outing neither shop window T-shirt overcoat blouse shorts sweater sandal glove indoor New Zealand down down jacket swi


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