七下 Unit 9 SectionA.doc

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七下 Unit 9 SectionA

Unit 9 what does he look like 教学设计 Section A (Period one) 设计者:李 婷 单位:彰武县第二初级中 一、概述 本单元是Go for it七年级下册中第七单元What does he look like?。本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(look), 教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,因此 talking about sbs look 是教学重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型。 二、教学目标分析 1.知识与技能: 描述人的外貌,运用下列简单句型进行交际交流: What does he /she look like? He’s/ She’s tall./short… He / She has straight hair/ is of medium build… 2.过程方法: (1)通过图片展示能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌。 (2)能概括人物的外貌特征并根据人物特征记叙成文章。 3.情感态度: 通过正确地描述同学、教师或自己的父母的外貌,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的爱好,增进情谊。 三、学习者特征分析 本班级大部分学生英语口语基础差,很多学生上课不敢开口,因此,本课设计由浅入深,循序渐进的教学方法,尽量鼓励学生多开口说话。学生通过简单的图片导入所学的新句型,并运用身边人和明星来学习新的单词,课堂上,通过几种游戏和不同环节设计,激发学生的学习兴趣。 四、教学重点、难点 1、掌握并运用描述人物特征的词汇: tall, short, medium height----身高特征 thin, heavy, medium build-----体重特征 short hair, curly hair, long hair, straight hair, black hair, blonde hair, brown hair---发型特征 2、掌握并运用简单的英语交际句型: Is that your friend? No, it isn’t. What does he/ she look like? He / She is….. /has… Do you know ….? No, what does he / she look like? 五、教学手段 图片、实物直观的教学、多媒体辅助教学,目的增加直观性和趣味性,加大课堂密度,提高教学效果。 六、教学过程 Step 1. Prepare Let the students pay attention to the photos. Compare these photos. Then answer the question, What does he look like ? He is……. 2.?lead in the new words. tall, short, heavy, thin, medium height, medium build, short hair, long hair, straight hair, curly hair… Step 2. Presentation 1. Ask students to look at the PPT. Show the pictures of some famous people and ask student to describe the people. 2. Open the English books and use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. Some letters can used more than once. Point out the sample answer. (Keys: c, f, a, a, d, h, e, b, g, e) 3. Ask students to look at the PPT. Show the pictures and ask student to describe the people with the new words. For example, She is thin, she has curly hair. 4. Practice the senten


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