人教版 七年级下 unit10 SectionB 2a-2c.docx

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人教版 七年级下 unit10 SectionB 2a-2c

《Unit10 I’d like some noodles.》 (Section B 2a-2c) 班级: _______ 备课教师: 马媛 授课教师: 马媛 【教学目标】 知识目标:学会运用13个新单词:world, answer, different, cake, candle, age, blow, if, will, candy, lucky, popular, idea; 在阅读中学习9个短语:around the world, make a wish, blow out, cut up, bring good luck to, the number of, in one go, come true, get popular 能力目标:通过阅读练习扩展学习一些生词、短语,并能够完成阅读理解任务,获取相关信息,提高阅读能力。 情感目标:阅读过生日的风俗和传统饮食的短文,提高阅读能力,通过对中、西方在饮食及用餐方面异同的对比,对祖国饮食文化能有更深刻的了解。通过了解异国文化,加强对文化差异的理解与认识。 【教学重点、难点】 重点:巩固学生对单元功能和语法结构的理解,通过阅读短文了解不同国家的饮食文化。 难点:在阅读教学中,注意培养阅读的策略,学会预测信息、获取具体信息、对信息进行加工。 【教学方法】 自主学习法、合作探究法、小组讨论法 【课前小测】 我是小小翻译官 {New words} 世界 _________ 2.答案;回答_________ 不同的_________ 4.蛋糕 _________ 5.蜡烛 _________ 6.年龄 _________ 7.吹 _________ 8.如果 _________ 9.将要;会 _________ 10.糖果 _________ 11.幸运的 _________ 12.受欢迎的;普遍_________ 13.想法;主意_________ {New phrases} 1.世界各地_____________ 2.许愿_____________ 3.吹灭_____________ 4.英国_____________ 5.受欢迎;流行_____________6.切碎_____________ 7.给...带来好运_____________ 【教学过程】 导入新课 1.Before reading Play the song of “Happy birthday”. T: Do you like this song? Ss: Very much. T:Can you sing? Ss: Of course. T: Let’s sing it together. Ss sing the song together. T: When do you sing this song? Ss: On one person’s birthday. T:What will you say to the birthday person? Ss: Happy birthday. T: When I have a birthday, my family say “Happy birthday!” to me, too.Now, I’d like you to watch a video about my birthday and tell me what I do on my birthday.(Play the video.) S1: You light the candles. S2: You make a wish and blow out the candles. T: Yes.I blow out the candles in one go.Do you know why? S3: Yes.If you blow out the candles in one go, your wish will come true. T: Right.What do I eat on my birthday? Ss: Birthday cakes. Show some pictures to present: birthday cakes, candles, make a wish, blow out. T: Read the new words and expressions after me. Ss read them after the teacher aloud. T:This is my birthday.How ab


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