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教学设计 人教版(Go for it)七年级下册Unit 6 I’m watching TV. 弓棚子镇第一中学 张玉玲 教学目标: 知识目标: 1.单词和短语:newspaper,use ,soup,wash,read a newspaper,use the compter,make soup,watch TV,wash the dishes,do homework,talk on the phone. 2.句型:What are you doing? I’m doing…What is he/she doing ?He/She is doing… What are they doing? They are doing…Are you doing…? Yes,I am./No, I’m not. Is she/he doing ….? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Are they doing…? Yes, they are./No,they aren’t. 3. 语法:(1)动词现在分词的构成规则。(2)现在进行时的概念及构成。 能力目标: 运用现在进行时态谈论自己或他人正在做的事儿。 情感目标: 通过各种形式的任务活动引导学生体验参与合作中增进友谊,使学生在课堂活动中乐于模仿,勇于开口,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点:1.单词及短语:newspaper,use ,soup,wash,read a newspaper,use the compter,make soup,watch TV,wash the dishes,do homework,talk on the phone. 2.句型:What are you doing? I’m doing…What is he/she doing ?He/She is doing… What are they doing? They are doing…Are you doing…? Yes,I am./No, I’m no doing ?He/She is doing… What are they doing? They are doing…Are you doing…? Yes,I am./No, I’m not. Is she/he doing ….? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Are they doing…? Yes, they are./No,they aren’t. 教学难点: 运用现在进行时态谈论自己或他人正在做的事儿。 教学资源: 电脑。 学 情: 七年级学生对于现在进行时态是初学者,零基础,有一定的难度,但通过学习一般现在时态,会运用动词及掌握动词的用法 从而降低了难度。 教学方法: 任务型活动法,情境法,合作学习法。 教学课时: 一课时。 教学过程: Step One: 导入 1.问候全班同学。 2. 播放NBA球员打篮球的视频。 Teacher: Who are they? Students: They are players in NBA. Teacher: What are they doing? Students: They are playing basketball. Teacher: Playing is Presenr Particple Of Verb, we also call it the verb’s “ing”. It is used in Present Progressive Tense .In the class, we will study the tense . Teacher: After a while, we will see some pictures ,say some sentences and conversations,Safter it, please think over:(1)What is Present Progressive Tense?(2)What is it made of? Step Two : 展示图片,学生回答问题并编对话。对话和问题如下: What are you doing? I’m doing…What is he/she doing ? He/She is doing… What are they doing? They are doing…Are you doing…? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.



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