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第17 卷第6 期 2002 年11 月 V ol . 17 N o . 6 Control and Decision  N ov . 2002 : 1001-0920( 2002) 06-867-04 张小刚, 陈 华, 章 兢 ( , 4 10082) : 烧结带火焰温度检测是工业回转窑控制的关键和难点, 基于 像处理的温度检测又容易受到 现场粉尘和烟雾的干扰。据此提出 一种利用模糊技术进行多传感器数据融合的温度趋势判别方法, 并结 合现场实际归纳了进行融合的数据种类, 建立了实时专家系统控制策略。工业实践表明, 该方法鲁棒性 强、准确率高, 具有很强的实用性。 : 工业回转窑; 多传感器数据融合; 模糊判别; 实时专家控制器 : T P 273: A Rotary kiln sintering temperature measurement and control based on fuzzy multisensor data fusion ZH A N G X iao-gang , CH EN H ua, ZH A N G J ing ( Colleg e of Elect ical and Info matio n Eng inee ing, Hu nan U nive sity , Changsha 4 10082, China) Abstract: T he t adit ional aluminum sinte p ocess based on o ta y kiln is difficult to co nt o l because t he sinte ing tempe atu e measu ement is easily t o be distu bed by the dust and smo g in t he sinte ing zo ne and evil envi o nment . So me senso dat a t ypes fo the fusion a e d aw n w it h the p actical expe ience. A fuzzy fusion alg o ithm based on the data is p oposed to judge t he t end of o ta y kiln s inne sinte ing t empe atu e. R eal tim e expe t cont ol sy stem is int oduced with the fuzzy fusion alg o ithm . T he applicatio n esult show s that the co nt o l system w it h this method can achieve highe o bust and bette utility . Key words: indust y o ta y kiln; mult isenso data fusion; fuzzy judgement; eal time ex pe t co nt o lle 1 引  ,  言 Ts , , : 1) , , , , 2)



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