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DOI:10.13363/j.publishingjournal.2012.03.006 专论 特约稿 栏目主持 荷清 对武陵民族文化资源开发的出版学思考 杨光宗 龙亚莉 (湖北民族学院文学与传媒学院,恩施, ) 445000 [ ] 摘 要 从出版学的角度探讨武陵民族文化资源的开发对武陵民族文化的有效传播具有十分重要的意义。武 陵民族文化出版资源开发面临着良好的机遇和严峻的挑战。从武陵民族文化资源出版开发的现状与前景看,必 须以市场为导向,优化资源配置;立足于民族特色,形成特色品牌,瞄准国内外市场需求;社会效益第一,经 济效益与社会效益相结合;强化编辑创新能力,经典文化与时尚出版相结合;产学研并举,形成完整的产业链。 [ ] 关键词 武陵民族文化 出版学 资源开发 文化传播 [ ] [ ] [ ] ( ) 中图分类号 G23 1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1009-5853 2012 03-00 12-05 [Abstract] It is of primary importance and value to probe into the Wuling Minority cultural treasure from the perspective of the publis hing science, which plays a significant role in the cultural communication of Wuling Minority. Confronted with precious op- portunities and rigorous challenge, the publishing prospect of the Wuling Minority culture is advisable to take the market as the guidance and optimize the allocation of resources. Deeply rooted in the distinct ethnic characteristics, the publishing of Wuling Minority had better to cultivate its marked brand, and be tailored for the domestic as well as the foreign target mar- ket. Given priority to the social efficiency, it is noticeable to strike an equilibrium between the economic effectiveness and th e societal well-being. Highlighting the innovation and creativity of the publishing and editing, the integration of the classical culture with the updated publishing is also appreciated. [Key words] The Ethnic Culture of the Wuling Minority Publishing science Resource development Cultural communication 出版是从事出


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