Unit 4 Earthquakes(讲)-2018-2019学年高一英语同步精品课堂(基础版)(必修1) Word版含解析.docVIP

Unit 4 Earthquakes(讲)-2018-2019学年高一英语同步精品课堂(基础版)(必修1) Word版含解析.doc

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Unit 4 Earthquakes(讲)-2018-2019学年高一英语同步精品课堂(基础版)(必修1) Word版含解析

高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家 欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家 欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高一英语同步精品 一、重点词汇 考点1.burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发n. 突然破裂;爆发 【教材原句】In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. but the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。 【例句研读】 (1)She burst out crying for a while, and burst into laughter for another moment, which made us at a loss.她一会儿突然哭起来,一会儿又___________,这使我们一头雾水。 (1)突然笑起来 (2)We all thought his heart would burst with happiness. 我们都认为他心中的快乐快要____________了。 (2)爆发出来 (3)The police burst in and arrested the gang. 警察______________逮捕了那帮人。 (3)突然闯进来 【归纳拓展】 burst out 迸发;突然发作;突然……起来 burst into 闯入;突然出现;突然……起来;突然发作 burst into tears/songs/laughter/angry speech突然哭/唱/笑/吵起来 burst out crying/singing/laughing突然哭起来/唱起来/笑起来 burst in 闯入 burst with anger/grief/joy 勃然大怒/心痛欲绝/乐不可支 be bursting to do 渴望,急着要做(某事) at a(one) burst 一阵;一口气;一举;一下 a burst of anger 怒火的迸发 【即时巩固】 单项填空 (1) One minute she burst ____tears, and the next she burst out ____(laugh). We just couldn’t catch her mood at any moment. (2)On hearing the joke, he burstOut____(laugh). (3)He felt he would burst ___anger and shame. 【答案】(1)into laughing (2) laughing (3) with 考点2.ruin n. [U]毁坏;毁灭,崩溃[C](pl.) 废墟,遗迹v. (使)破产,(使)堕落,毁灭 【教材原句】In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市就沉沦在一片废墟之中。 【例句研读】 (1)Drink was his fathers ruin and it will be the ruin of him too. 酗酒是他父亲________的原因,他也将遭同样的__________。(1)失败; 厄运 (2)Years of fighting have left the area in ruins. 多年的战事已经使得这个地区__________。 (2)一片废墟 (3)A large number of churches fell to ruin after the revolution. 革命过后,许多教堂________。(3)都毁了 (4)The heavy rain ruined our holiday. 大雨把我们的假期彻底__________。 (4)搞糟了 (5)If you go on like this, youll ruin yourself. 如果你继续这样下去,你会自己___________。 (5)毁了自己 【归纳拓展】 in ruins 成为废墟;破



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