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Lesson Twenty-six VTS 船舶交管系统 Dialog A: Enquiry of Traffic Condition 对话1: 问讯通航状况 Maritime Queen: VTS station, VTS station. This is M.V Maritime Queen. M.V Maritime Queen. My Call Sign is UBPQ. Spell in Alphabet. Uniform Bravo Papa Quebec. Over. 海后: VTS站台,VTS站台,这是机动船“海后”号、“海后”号,我的呼号是UBPQ,用字母拼读的方式为,U-B-P-Q,请讲。 VTS: M.V Maritime Queen. This is VTS Centre. What is your intention? Over. VTS: 机动船“海后”号,这是VTS中心,你的目的是什么?请讲。 Maritime Queen: VTS Centre. Maritime Queen. I am at anchor at fairway buoy No.5. I intended to moor at berth No.2. Is it allowed for me to enter the basin? 海后: VTS中心,这是“海后”号,我在5号航浮处抛锚,我准备靠2号泊位,我可以进港池吗? VTS: M.V Maritime Queen. M.T Oiler will be outbound at 2100 hours. You have to wait for lock clearance until 2120 hours. Stop where you are. VTS: “海后”号,油船“携油者”号将于当地时间2100时出港,你必须等当地时间2120时港池让清,在你抛锚处停泊等待。 Maritime Queen: Roger out. 海后: 信息明了,完毕。 Dialog B: Reminding the Vessel of Compliance with Rules 对话2: 提醒船舶遵守航路规则 VTS: Vessel in position 34 degrees 45 minutes North 098 degrees 22 minutes East, which course is 110 degrees, is not complying with traffic rules. It is dangerous to remain your present course. (Later) Vessel in position 35 degrees 33 minutes North 099 degrees 12 minutes East, which course is 135 degrees, is not complying with traffic rules. Stop your engine immediately and contact with VTS Centre. Over. VTS: 在34°45′N 098°22′E,航向是110°的船舶没有遵守通航规则,这是VTS中心。保持现在的航向很危险。(后来),在35°33′N 099°12′E船舶航向为135°的船舶没有遵守通航规则,立即停车并和VTS中心联系,请讲。 Dainty River: VTS Centre. This is Chinese M.V 雅河船: VTS中心,这是中国船“雅河”号,你有何指令,请讲? VTS: M.V Dainty River. VTS Centre. It is dangerous to remain your present course. Shallow water ahead of you. Do you cross the fairway. Large vessel leaving. VTS: 机动船“雅河”号,这是VTS中心。保持现在的航向危险,前方有浅水区。不要穿越航道,大船离港,转向190度,请



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