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《网络安全》课程设计档案 题 目: 校园网数据备份与灾难恢复 学 院: 信息学院 专 业: 网络工程 姓 名: 左 琴 学 号: 1101010160 班 级: 信息A1111班 摘 要 随着计算机网络应用的深入,教育也步入信息化。很多高校有属于自己的网络系统。并且随着信息发布平台,邮件系统,协同办公,校园一卡通等服务的深入应用,越来越多有价值的信息转化为海量数据,数据的价值也越来越高,任何数据的丢失都会给学校带来极大的损失。 为保证高校教学、科研、管理等相关活动的正常运转,对相应信息系统进行客灾建设非常重要。从技术实现上来看,容灾系统建设一般分为基于主机(包括应用程序和数据库操作日记)和基于存(储磁盘阵列对磁盘阵列)两种方案这两种方案各有自己的优缺点。在分析各种相关容灾备份技术的基础上,提出了一种较为合理的实施方案并对未来容灾备份的前景作出了展望。 【关键词】容灾 备份 数据级容灾 应用级客灾 同步 异步 Abstract With the application of computer network, education has stepped into the information. Many colleges and universities have their own network system. And as the information release platform, the mail system, collaborative office, in-depth application of campus card services, information is getting more and more valuable into massive data, the value of data is more and more high, any data loss will bring great loss to the school. In order to ensure the teaching, scientific research, management and other related activities of normal operation, is very important to the corresponding information system disaster recovery construction. From the technology point of view, the establishment of a disaster recovery system is generally divided into based on host (including applications and database operation Diary) and based on storage (storage disk array of disk array) two kinds of schemes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Based on the analysis of various disaster recovery technology, puts forward a reasonable plan and prospects the future of the disaster backup. 【Keywords】disaster recovery data backup disaster recovery application level disaster recovery synchronous asynchronous 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc355693076 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc355693076 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc355693077 第一章 容灾备份系统相关说明 PAGEREF _Toc355693077 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc355693078 1.1容灾、备份的区别与联系 PAGEREF _Toc355693078 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc355693079 1.2窖灾备份系统的划分


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