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19 6 V o.l 19 No. 6 2010 12 JOU RNAL OF NATU RA L DISA STER S Dec. 2010 : 1004 - 4574 ( 20 10 06- 0086- 07 SRC 1, 2 1 1 1 唐光暹 , 邓志恒, 贾志超, 宁应金 ( 1. , 530004; 2. , 5300 11 : 6, - , , , : , : ; ; ; ; + : TU 398 . 9 : A Energy dissipation and dam age analysis of fram e join ts of steel reinforced concrete beam w ith encased steel truss 1, 2 1 1 1 TAN G Guang-x ian , DEN G Zhi-heng , JIA Zhi-chao , N ING Y ing-jin ( 1. Co llege of C iv il and A rch itectural Engineering, Gu angx iU nivers ity, N ann ing 530004, Ch ina; 2. Guangx i Construct ion T est ing C entre, N ann ing 5300 11, Ch in a Abs tract: A ccording to expermi en tal research on 6 jo ints o f steel reinforced concrete( SRC fram e beam w ith en- cased steel truss under low-cyclic reversed load ing, the fa ilure process, hysteretic behav io r and energy dissipation capacity w ere analyzed. Dam age m ode lw ere developed based on nonlinear comb ination o f m ax mi um stra in and ac- cum ulative d issipation energy. T hen the evo lu tion of cumu lative dam age and the dam age grow th law w ere investiga- ted. F inally by com paring the calcu lated dam age m ode ls w ith the observed real dam age of the jo ints, influences of three factors wh ich are shape stee,l crossw eb m embers and ax ia l com pression ratio on dam age deve lopm ent of jo ints w ith SRC beam w ith encased steel tru ss


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