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The Catcher in the Rye 新浪微博:球球-⽼师 Self-introduction 曹林权 Self-introduction Justin Self-introduction Just in Self-introduction Just fat Self-introduction Just fat plump Self-introduction Just fat chubby Self-introduction 球球 Self-introduction Ball Ball How to read a book ? imitation 专题⼀:⽐喻修辞的应⽤ Chapter 1 Anyway, it was December and all, It was as cold as a witch’s teat , especially on top of that stupid hill . Chapter 2 I said it very fast because I wanted to stop him before he started reading that out loud. But you couldnt stop him. He was hot as a firecracker. It was as cold as a witch’s teat. 句式分析 It was as cold as a witch’s teat. 本体 修饰词 喻体 ⼥巫的乳头为啥是冰冷的? 背景介绍 ⼥巫在西⽅⽂学 中的深层次寓意 ⽂化背景介绍 witch’s teat one of the small parts on a female animals body that her babies suck milk from. teat 动物 nipple ⼈ Chapter 1 Anyway, it was December and all, It was as cold as a witch’s teat , especially on top of that stupid hill . Chapter 2 I said it very fast because I wanted to stop him before he started reading that out loud. But you couldnt stop him. He was hot as a firecracker. Chapter 2 I said it very fast because I wanted to stop him before he started reading that out loud. But you couldnt stop him. He was hot as a firecracker. 我说得⾮常快,因为我想拦住他,不让他把那 玩意⼉⼤声读出来。可你没法拦住他,他热得 像个着了⽕的炮仗。 Chapter 2


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