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outline 1 traditional Chinese festivals 2 twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs 3 constellation traditional Chinese Festivals 1 Spring Festival 2 Lantern Festival 3 Tomb-sweeping Day 4 Dragon Boat Festival 5 Mid-autumn Festival 生肖(Manimals) 十二生肖也被称为十二年兽。在中国的历法上有十二只年兽依次轮流当值,所以我们的中国年就有以鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗和猪应用在历法上。即常说的:子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。 rat Those Shen Xiao belonging to the rat are acute in perception, could do everything, and manage well in multiple ways. Ox Ox people are stubborn yet caring, patient, responsible and loyal. Tiger Tiger people are daring(勇敢的) fighters, they are capable of(能够) standing up to the better end for what they think is right. Although they could be selfish from time to time(有时) in the little things, they are capable of great generosity(慷慨). Tigers are unpredictable(出乎意料), always tense. and like to be in a hurry. Rabbit Rabbits, like their animal counterparts(对应物), are quite calm people who do not exhibit (展示)aggressive behavior (攻击行为)and will avoid confrontation(面对) at all costs(不惜一切代价). When angry about something, a Rabbit will approach (着手处理)it calmly and considerately, hardly(几乎不) ever raising his voice or becoming visibly annoyed. Because of their serenity(平静), Rabbits seem to miss things, whether they are confrontational in nature or not. However, the Rabbit is quite keen and pays close attention to the situations developing around him. He is intelligent and quick and can talk himself in or of most situations with no problem. Dragon The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend. A symbol of good fortune and sign of intense power, the Oriental Dragon is regarded as a divine beast(神兽) - the reverse of the malicious monster that Westerners felt necessary to find a


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