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17 6 ( ( ) ; ) Vol. 17 No. 6 2010 11 Earth Science Frontiers ( China University of Geosciences( Beijing) ; Pe ing University) Nov. 2010 1 1 2 1 1 1 陈宗宇 , 刘 君 , 杨湘奎 , 陈 江 , 王 莹 , 卫 文 1 , 050803 2, 150036 1 1 2 1 1 1 Chen Zongyu , Liu Jun , Yang Xiang ui , Chen Jiang , Wang Ying , Wei W en 1I nst it ut e of H y d rog eol ogy and Env i ronmental Geol og y , Ch inese A cad emy of Ge ol ogi cal S ci ence s, Zheng di ng 050803, Chi na 2G eolog ical S urv e y I nst it ut e of H ei longj iang Pr ov i nce , H arbin 150036, Chi na Chen Zongyu, Liu Jun, Yang Xiangkui, et al. The environmental isotope markers of groundwater flow patterns of the SongNen lain. Earth Science Fr ontiers , 2010, 17(6):094101 Abstract: Isotopic data from groundw ater and surface wat er are used together with classical hydrogeological in 18 format ion to study groundw ater flow pattern throughout t he SongNen Plain. The O, D values and ages of groundw ater indicate that the groundwater flow patterns are characterized by local flow systems, intermediate flow systems and regional flow systems. The dept h distribut ion of tritium in groundwater suggests that local groundw ater flow system is a modern water circulating system w hich penetrates by a depth of ~ 100 m in the piedmont and 50 m in t he central plain. Regional groundwat er flow system is characterized by lateral f low and occurs in deep confined aquifers. The distinction of environmental isotope characteristics around the phreatic divide bet ween the SongNen basin and Liaohe basin indicates t hat the divide should be regarded a


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