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Below are some statistics gathered from a school survey about students’ hobbies and interests. Analyze the statistics and draw at least three more conclusions, then make your suggestions. Conclusions: Playing sport is the most popular activity for students in the school. The second most popular activity for students in the school is surfing the Internet. Only a few students in the school like reading. Most students in the school do not like dancing. Suggestion: . The school should have more sports equipment. . The school should help the students understand how to use the Internet for study and research. . The school should find ways to get the students interested in reading. . School social events should not include dancing, because most students simply are not interested in it. Practice School Survey on Crime and Safety Look at the report in the textbook and see how to write a report. Step 3: writing a report Practice 1 Write your own report about the survey above. 假如你是李华,最近你对高三学生的体育活动现状进行了调查,请根据下列图例,用英语写一篇报告,并陈述你的观点。 注意:词数120左右 提示:设施 facility Practice Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained Task Discussion 1. In order to do a survey, what kinds of things should we take into consideration? 2. How do we collect information, by surfing the Internet or by making a questionnaire? Skills building 1: completing a questionnaire What is a questionnaire? A questionnaire is usually made up of a list of questions or statements. The purpose is to gather information from respondents. Can you tell me how to construct a questionnaire? Are there any rules for us to follow? 5. Give specific references. 3. Avoid negative sentences. 2. Use short and simple sentences. 4. Use precise language. 1. Ask one piece of information at a time. 6. Make sure people have the necessary knowledge to answer. Below is a questionnaire about people’s shopping habits. The statements are not properly made. Read these statements and point out which rule each statement breaks. Write the


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