分析2013年雅思听力备考的细节 .doc

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分析2013年雅思听力备考的细节 .doc

免费?宅在家学英语?怎么报名? 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程: HYPERLINK /wenkxd.htm /wenkxd.htm(报名网址)   Part ⅢListening Comprehension   Section A   11. W:Would you like to order now?   M:Yes. Please show me the menu.   Q:Where are the man and the woman now?   【答案】D)   【解析】从 order 和menu两个词中可以判断说话人是在餐厅就餐。   12. W:How long have you been driving?   M:Actually I began driving when I was thirteen. But I didn’t get a license until I was sixteen.   Q:When did the man start driving?   【答案】C)   【解析】 说话人说自己十三岁就开始开车,十六岁拿到驾照。十六岁为干扰项,正确答案是十三岁。   13. W:Excuse me, could you please tell me when the bank is open?   M:It’s open from 9 am. to 5 pm. on weekdays, and 10 am. to 4 pm. on Saturdays.   Q:When is the bank open?   【答案】A)   【解析】 女士问银行何时开门,男士回答说平日里是上午九点到下午五点,周六是上午十点到下午四点。此处 weekdays 指“在每个工作日 (指星期一至星期五)”。   14. M:Didn’t you go shopping today? Where’s the tobacco you promised to bring me?   W:I planned to, but the car was out of order so I did some sewing instead.   Q:What did the woman do today?   【答案】B)   【解析】 男士问女士为何没去购物。女士回答说本来打算去的,但是车子有点问题,所以就在家做了些针线活。   15. W:If any of you give me a hand, I could finish this job before five o’clock.   M:I would like to, but I can’t. Mr. Brown told me to type some letters before I go home.   Q:What did Mr. Brown ask the man to do?   【答案】C)   【解析】 男士跟女士解释说他很乐意帮她,但是他没办法,布朗先生要他回家之前打印一些信件。从男士的回答中我们可以直接找到答案。   16. M:You work harder than Merry.   W:But Linda works even harder.   Q:Who works the hardest?   【答案】C)   【解析】 男士说女士比梅丽工作努力,女士说琳达比自己还要努力。因此,工作最努力的人是琳达。   17. W:Would you like a cup of coffee to help you wake up?   M:A cup of coffee? I’ll need three or four.   Q:What does the man mean?   【答案】C)   【解析】 女士问男士是否需要一杯咖啡帮他提神。男士回答说一杯不行,要三四杯。由此可见答案。   18. W:Excuse me, where’s the cashier’s office? I’ve come to pay a bill.   M:It’s on the 2nd floor, the 3rd room on the right.   Q:Where’s the cashier’s office?   【答案】A)   【解析】 女士问出纳员的办公室在哪儿,男士说在二楼右边第三个房间。3rd room 为干扰项,2nd 才是正确答案。   Conversation One   M:I really don’t know what to do


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