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2017郑州市小升初英语统考试卷 第三部分 (满分40分) 詹姆斯是外国小学生研学团中的一员,他在来郑州之前写了一篇日记,其中可能有一些你不认识的单词,请你结合上下文猜猜它们的意思。 读日记,选出与划线单词意义最相近的单词。(共6小题,每小题1.5分,共计9分,请把正确选项的序号填涂在答题卡的相应位置) Good news! I will have a vacation(38.) in Zhengzhou this summer and I feel really excited. It takes about 12 hours to fly to Zhengzhou from my hometown. I have read a lot of books regarding(39.) Zhengzhou. The history of Zhengzhou is much longer than the history of my hometown. So many amazing(40.) stories took place(41.) there and so many famous figures(42.) lived there. I plan to pay a visit to Yellow River and Shaolin Temple. I have seen them dozens of times in the movies and I hope to witness(43.) them with my own eyes. A. holiday B. dinner C. class D. job A. by B. about C. in D. out A. delicious B. boring C. happy D. interesting A. happened B. went C. closed D. started A. numbers B. clothes C. people D. pictures A. see B. hear C. touch D. cry 你和外国小学生研学团的团员们一起制定了一个五天的行程计划,并制作了一份行程表格。 仔细阅读行程计划,把表格里数字代表的景点名称、日期和交通工具补充完整。(共6小题,每小题1.5分,共计9分,在答题卡相应位置作答) My friends and I are going to have a five-day trip in Zhengzhou, from July 11th to 15th and we need to make a schedule(日程表). On the first day, we will pay a visit to Yellow River. It is easy to take a bus to get there and our hotel is near the bus station. My friends want to go to Henan Museum on the next day, but I think going to Erqi Tower is more interesting. After a long discussion, they finally agree with me and the subway will take us there. July 13th will be a shopping day. Our last stop is Song Mountain. It is very expensive to travel by taxi, so we plan to ride bicycles instead. However, we give up riding at last because it is too far away. We will stay in Song Mountain for two days. On the first day, we will take part in an activity in Shaolin Temple and all of us are really excited. We are big fans of Shaolin. On July 15th, we will tour Songyang Academy(嵩阳书院) before going to the airport. 景点


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