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22 2 矿 冶 工 程 Vol.22 №2 2002 6 MINING AND M TALLURGICAL NGIN RING June 2002 ——— 1 1 1 2 唐建军, 周康根, 张启修, 马荣骏 , (1. , 4 10083;2., 4 10012)  :, , 。 , ;, ;, , ;, ;。 :;; Ammonia Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Vacuum Membrane Distillation ———Study on Mass Transfer Coefficient 1 1 1 2 TANG Jian-jun , ZHOU Kang-gen , ZHANG Qi-xiu , MA Rong-jun (1.Metallurgical Separation Scienceand Engineering Lab, Central South University, Changsha 410083, Hunan, China; 2.ChangshaResearch Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Changsha 410012, Hunan, China) Abstract:The rela ionship be ween echnological condi ions and mass ransfer coefficien was discussed, and ammonia removal values be ween he experimen ally measured and he calcula ed by ma hema ical model were compared.The resul s show ha , here was no influence of ini ial concen ra ion on mass ransfer coefficien ;increasing feed empera ure increased mass ransfer coefficien exponen ially;increasing feed flow ra e increased mass ransfer coefficien , especially in laminar f low regime;A a cer ain range of pressure in he permea e side, here was no influence of pressure in he permea e side on mass ransfer coeffi- cien ;Ammonia removal values be ween he experimen ally measured and he calcula ed agreed wi h each o her sa isfac orily . Key words:vacuum membrane dis illa ion;ammonia removal;mass ransfer coefficien   , , ;, , 。 , , , 。, 3 : , 、 1 ) 。 [1] , , , , ,



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