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英汉翻译 绪论,翻译史,翻译的标准、过程及对译者的要求 1) What is Translation? Try to translate the following sentences into Chinese, make sure that your versions are logical and colloquial. 3) Don’t cough more than you can help. How to Fat-proof Your Child? --What kind of money does a girl like best? -- Matrimony. Able was I ere I saw Elba. --What flower does everybody have? --Tulips. 英语动词translate源自拉丁词translatus,而translatus又是transferre 的过去分词。在拉丁语里,transferre的意思是carry或transport,指的是背负物件将其转移到另一地方。词根trans本身含有时空变迁的意思,而ferre除了“负重”与“搬运”的意思外,还有endure与suffer的含义。 Etymologically, “translate” is derived from the Latin word translatus, “ carried over.” Translatus is the past participle of transferre. If divided into trans and ferre, we can see the proximity of the word to dia and peherein. The Latin term ferre means “to carry” or “ to transport” as in carrying a shield, and was often used to mean to bear or convey with the notion of motion (Homer), as in ships borne by the forces of wind. If also meant to endure, to suffer, as in to bear a mental burden… (Gentzler, 2001:166) It is sometimes said that there is no task more complex than translation—a claim that can be readily believed when all the variables involved are taken into account. Translators not only need to know their source language well; they must also have a thorough understanding of the field of knowledge covered by the source text, and of any social, cultural, or emotional connotations that need to be specified in the target language if the intended effect is to be conveyed. The same special awareness needs to be present for the target language, so that points of special phrasing , local (e.g. regional) expectations, and so on, can all be taken into account. Definitions of proper translating are almost numerous and varied as the persons who have undertaken to discuss the subject. This diversity is in a sense quite understandable; for there are vast differences in the materials translated, in the purpose of the publication,


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