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PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIV 学号: 常 州 大 学 毕业设计(论文) (2014届) 题 目 基于陀螺仪的遥控小车的设计 学 生 孙国洋 学 院 怀德学院 专 业 班 级 电气101 校内指导教师 储开斌 专业技术职务 讲师 校外指导老师 专业技术职务 二○一四年三月 基于陀螺仪的遥控小车的设计 摘 要:该文设计了一款四驱小车的遥控系统。遥控板以STC12C5A60S2单片机为控制核心,MMA7361模块来采集遥控板的倾斜角度,NRF905模块进行无线传输。小车系统采用的是NRF905进行接收遥控板的指令,通过单片机进行数据处理,并且用L298N电机驱动来带动电机从而使四驱小车行驶。 遥控板系统倾斜角度采集使用的是MMA7361传感器,它相对于目前水银开关的倾斜角度采集,具有角度测量精度高、安全、性能可靠等特点。无线传输采用的是NRF905模块,并且通过软件加密进行传输,使用起来更安全,并且抗干扰能力强。电机驱动采用的是L298N驱动,一个驱动模块能够驱动两个电机,相对于目前主流的BTS驱动来说单个驱动数量多,并且驱动能力足够。 实验结果表明,该设计具有成本低、可靠性高、角度精度高、安装调试方便等特征,非常适用于四驱车制造厂商,提高市场竞争力,具有较好的应用前景。 关键字:陀螺仪;无线传输;电机驱动 Design of the smart car which is based on Gyroscope Abstract:In this paper, an intelligent control system for Gyroscope car was designed. Remote control panels regard the STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller as core and use the MMA7361 to capture the remote board tilt angle. Remote control panels use the NRF905 to wireless transmission. The car system is using the NRF905 to receiving control instruction , process data by STC89C52 microcontroller and drive the motor with L298N. The remote control system use the MMA7361 sensor to acquisition tilt angle, it is relative to the current tilt angle of the mercury switch acquisition, has the characteristics of high precision of angle measurement, safety, reliable performance. The wireless transmission is used in NRF905 module, and it’s safe to transmission by the software encryption, and strong anti-interference ability. The motor drive is by the L298N. One module can drive two motors. Relative to the current mainstream BTS driver is a number of single drive. The experimental results show that, this design has the advantages of low cost, high reliability, high precision, convenient installation and debugging of features. It’s very suitable for car manufacturers to improve market compe



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