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Will you marry me? …I’m not afraid to die. I agree to… I’m happy to marry my daughter to you. I can help you, take these three apples. * *   Unit 2 The Olympic Games The story of Atlanta 廉江市实验学校 高一英语 刘红岩 学习目标 知识目标   重点单词和词组 能力目标   1用略读方法找到人物及其关系,通过查读了解故事大意。   2归纳所阅读的材料,了解故事具体内容 情感目标   利用各种活动及表演,激发学习英语的兴趣 重点:能够读懂故事并用关键词、同义词的技巧快速搜寻具体信息并掌握重点单词和词组的用法。 难点: 学会使用阅读技巧例如:略读,精读, Atlanta princess goddess pardon glory Hippomenes prince hopeless 亚特兰大 公主 女神 原谅 光荣,荣誉 古希腊人名 王子 绝望的 承诺做某事 与…赛跑 参加…活动 捡起、拾起… 一个又一个 与某人讨价还价 promise to do sth run against sb take part in pick sth. up one after another bargain with sb. = make a bargain with Pre-reading Tips(小窍门) “Story”:1) It must be a narration ( ); 2)The story must be organized in order of 3) It may include(六要素) The story of Atlanta 记叙文 time(时间顺序) Who,When,Where,What,Why,How A poem 她是如此美丽, 她的美使整个世界黯然失色, 万物如飞逝暗影。 Atlanta Ancient Greek princess Wealthy, pretty,good at running… Atlanta The king The Goddess of Love Hippomenes Fast Reading Task 1 Find out the characters and their relationship. Characters(人物) and their relationship Atlanta the king Hippomenes The Greek Goddess of Love The king was her _____ Hippomenes wanted to _______ Atlanta marry asked her for_____ help father ① ② ③ start The main idea of the text: It’s about who races to the man who can run than her. In order to win the race, asked for from the . Atlanta marry faster Hippomenes help Goddess of Love Task 2 Read The STORY OF ATLANTA, and complete the True or False Careful Reading Task 2 True or False start Atlanta practised running to compete in the Olympic Games. At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. Atlanta was not sure she could win. She was so angry about the fact that she could no


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