最新版牛津英语 8A 期末复习专项之翻译(含答案).docxVIP

最新版牛津英语 8A 期末复习专项之翻译(含答案).docx

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最新版牛津英语 8A 期末复习专项之翻译(含答案)

译林版8A期末翻译句子专项复习卷 他儿子将来想当一名作家。 His son wants to be a writer in the future. 刚才什么让你不开心? What made you unhappy just now? 我喜欢和他分享我的快乐。 I like to share my joy/happiness with him. 为你的好朋友保守秘密是很重要的。 It’s very important to keep secrets for you good friends. 在所有电影中,哪一部最有趣呢? Which one is the most interesting of all the films? Mike的英语有一些问题,希望我们能给他一些建议。 Mike has some problems with English and hopes that we can give him some advice. 我们都喜欢英语老师,因为他有幽默感。 We all like our English teacher because he has a sense of humor. 他们都喜欢David,他从来不说别人坏话。 They all like David. He never says bad words about others. Bob长大后想成为一名医生,帮助人们保持健康。 Bob wants to be a doctor to help people keep healthy when he grows up. Tom喜欢这项活动,每次训练都很刻苦。 Tom likes the activity so he is hard-working in training every time. 今年国庆节我们将放假七天。 We will have 7 days off for National Day this year. 在他们班,他会唱的歌最少。 He can sing the fewest songs in their class. 我们今天下午将谈论下周的学校旅行。 We will talk about the school trip next week this afternoon. Millie画得比我班里其他任何一位老师都好。 Millie draws better than any other teacher in my class. 孩子们玩捉迷藏玩得很开心。 Children had fun playing hide and see. 我们可以选择俱乐部参加。 We can choose clubs to take part in. 昨天考试前我快速浏览了一下问题。 I looked through the questions before examination yesterday. 在夏季,英国学生比美国学生少休息几周。 British students have fewer weeks off than American students in the summer holiday. 他们所有人都迫不及待地要拍照。 All of them couldn’t wait to take photos. 那里有五十多个世界各地景点的模型。 There are over 50 models of places of interest from all over the world. 金门大桥的模型看起来就像家乡的那座一样棒。 The model of The Golden Bridge looks as good as that in hometown. 我认为他的答案不正确。 I don’t think his answer is right. 昨天王老师邀请我参加他们学习去故宫的旅行了。 Mr. Wang invited me to join their trip to learn the Palace Museum yesterday. 去年夏天,我们参观了北京的各种名胜古迹。 We visited all kinds of places of interest in Beijing last summer. 要制作一个好的网页要花费你好几周的时间。 It will take you a few weeks to make a good website. 我们为什么不去无锡博物馆呢? Why don’t we go to the Wuxi Museum? 每周一早上路上交通拥挤。 There is a lot of traffic on the road every Mon



