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19 5 草 地 学 报 2011 9 Vol. 19 No. 5 ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA Sep. 2011 1 1* 2 宋高翔 , 杨胜林 , 王普昶 ( 1., 550025; 2., 550006) :( M y thimna s ep arata Walker) , 5 , T, : T , 91. 67% ~ 9859% ; , 52. 78%~ 81.35% , , : ; ; ; :S481. 9 :A : 1007-0435( 2011) 05-0880-04 Controlling Methods of My thimna Sep arata under Organic- producti on Forage 1 1* 2 SONG Gao-xiang , YANG Sheng-lin , WANG Pu-chang ( 1. College of Animal Science, Guizhou Univerity, Guiyang, Guizhou Province 550025, Chian; 2. Institute of Prataculture, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guizhou Province 550025, Chian; ) Abstract : T o explore the controlling methods of My thimna sep ar ata Walker under a forage organic produ- cing mode, different treatments such as biological control (biopesticide T) , cultural control ( immediately mowing) , chemical control (pesticides deltamethrin and phoxim) were investigated using comparative ex- periments in five kinds of forage grass field. Results indicated that the adjusted controlling efficiency of My thimna sep ar ata using biopesticide T was 91. 67% ~ 98. 59% which is similar to that using chemical pesticides. The adjusted controlling efficiency of cultural control ( immediately mowing) was 52. 78% ~ 8135%. T herefore, cultural control was in line with the criterion of organic agriculture and showed to be a practical method to pest control. Key words: My thimna sep arata Walker; Organic production; Forage; Preventive treatment , ; , , , , , [ 1] ,



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