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第 20 卷 第 6 期 化 学 进 展 Vol. 20 No. 6
2008 年 6 月 PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY June , 2008
郭 彦 赵健伟
(南京大学化学化工学院 生命分析化学教育部重点实验室 南京 210008)
摘 要 在有序分子组装体系的电化学研究中 , 电活性物种间的相互作用直接导致其偏离理想的电化
学行为 ,譬如出现双峰或者峰展宽的现象 。从这些非理想的电化学数据中提取热力学和动力学数据相对困
难 ,因而了解和评价这些非理想的电化学行为显得十分有必要 。本文着重就这些非理想电化学现象的理论
模型、基本公式和微观认识进行了评述 。理解这些非理想电化学的影响因素 ,不仅可以加深对表面电化学体
系的认识 ,更对现在的研究热点如主客体识别 、分子电子器件和生物传感器等具有重要意义 。
关键词 分子间作用 电化学 自组装单层 理论模型 重组能
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中图分类号 : O64622 ; O64711 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1005281X 2008
Theoretical Studies of Nonideal Electrochemical Behavior of
SelfAssembled System
Guo Yan Zhao Jianwei
( Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Sciences , Ministry of Education , School of Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering , Nanjing University , Nanjing 210008 , China)
Abstract Electrochemistry studies of selfassembled systems show that the intermolecular interaction among the
redox species can significantly influence the electrochemical behavior , exhibiting such as peak broadening or double
peaks. Knowing these nonideal electrochemical behaviors is very indispensable for the theoretical analysis of the
thermodynamic and kinetic information of the systems. Focusing on these issues , we summarize the theoretical models and
formulas behind the experimental observation in this review. Understanding the underlying mechanism of how the
intermolecular interaction affects the electrochemical nonidealities is not only instructive for surface electrochem