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2000 2 11 1 CHIN ESE JO UR NAL OF A PPL IED ECOLO GY, Feb. 2000, 11( 1)91~ 94 * * * 张 彬 ( , 4 10 128) 李丽立 李铁军 ( , 410125) 李海屏 ( , 410006) , 15 158 ! ∀ #, 3 ( 146mg∃kg - 1) . , ∀#35 ( P 005 P 001) ! ; ( P 005 P 00 1) ! . #35 ( P 005) ∀ , ∀#( P 005) , , , , . Effect of different source iron on piglet% s growth, metabolism and environment. ZHAN G Bin ( College of A nimal Science and Technology, H unan A gricultural University , Changsha 4 10 12 8) , L I L i i, L I T iejun ( Changsha I nstitute of A grcultural M oderniz ation, Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Changsha 410125) , Li Haiping ( H unan Research I nsti tute of Chemical I ndustry, Changsha 4 10006) Chin . . App l. Ecol . , 2000, 11( 1) : 91~ 94 . In order to approach the effect o f different source F e on pig et% s gr owth , metabo ism and environment , an exper iment w as conducted w ith 158 suck ing pigs from 15 itters, w hich w er e random y a ocated to g roup ! , ∀ and #, and f ed w ith diet ! ( basa diet+ FeSO ∃H O) , ∀( basa diet+ Fecitric acid) and #( basa diet+ Femethionine comp ex ) , re 4 2 spective y. Each of the diets contained 146mg ∃kg- 1 Fe. T he resu ts show that after the experiment ended, the body w eig ht , dai y increment , g rades for appearance and behav ior, hemog obin concentration in b oo d, Fetransf erring a bu men concentration in p asma, and F e contents in p asma and iver of 35 days o d pig ets in g roup ∀ and # w ere hig her ( P 005 or P 001) than those in group ! , w hi e the


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