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8 - * 最上一层不要太高,以免影响主管们的视线。 The top is low enough not to block the view of the supervisor. 最下一层不要太矮,要不用过大的弯膝或弯腰就可以够着。 The lowest shelf is high enough to be reached without having to kneel or bend excessively. 后面是敞开的,以便供应物料。 The back is open for resupply. 物料架要从后面略为往前面倾斜,让物料能够滚动下来。 The shelves may be sloped down slightly from back to front to enable stock rotation. 一种零件一个位置。 Each part has its own storage location. 每个位置的前后面都贴有标签,并写有独特的地址。 Each storage location is labeled on both the front and back with a unique address. 零件按送料员取料时从左到右的顺序摆放。 Arrange the parts on the shelves in order of waterspider delivery, from left to right. 8 - * 改善推动人 / 早期接受者Kaizen champion / early adopter 精通工位所有工作Proficient in all tasks performed in the cell 责任心强, 自我激励Conscientious, self-motivated 具备领导素质Proven leadership qualities 非常了解零件 / 产品Superior knowledge of parts and products 优秀线上送料员候选人特点 Characteristics of a Good Water Spider Candidate 物料补充 Material Resupply 物料储存 Material Storage 储存装配所需消耗料品Stores assembly consumables 存储一天用料Holds 1 day’s worth of materials 只是过渡方案Is only an interim solution 何谓超市 What’s a Supermarket? 超市运作 Supermarket Operation 过道 Aisle E D C B A I H G F A B C D E F G H I 物料储存 Material Storage 超市设计 Supermarket Design A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 C D 1 2 3 4 5 D 从后面补充物料 Restock from back 总结 Summary 重新设计工位, 消除变数/浪费Redesign work stations to eliminate waste variation. 设计物料展示, 减少物料存量, 能标准化作业Design material presentation to minimize material and enable standard operations. 推行线上送料员系统, 能标准化作业, 保证产品质量Implement a water spider to enable standard operations and ensure quality. 记住Remember 超市不是货仓A supermarket isn’t a warehouse. 线上送料员 / 超市系统只是过渡方案The water spider / supermarket system is only an interim solution! 8 - * 简要介绍本议程的各个要点,解释每一点与前面一点的关系(每个要点不超过10~15秒钟)。 Briefly summarize each point in the agenda, explaining how each one relates to the prior one (no more than 10–15 seconds each). 8 - * 传统的组装线如


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