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DOI :10.15933/j.cnki.1004 -3268.2008.02.015 河南农业科学 1 1,2 1 3 3 1 * 杜 君, 介晓磊 ,刘世亮 , 王维超 , 王雪芬 , 化党领 (1., 450002;2., 450011; 3., 461700) :采用盆栽的方法,研究了不同有机酸对烤烟生长发育及生理代谢的影响。结果表 , 在烟株 生长前中期,苹果酸、油酸和腐殖酸能 显促进烟株的生长发育,提高硝酸还原酶活性及蔗糖转化 酶活性。而在生长后期, 苹果酸和油酸能 显促进叶绿素降解, 并降低硝酸还原酶活性和游离氨基 酸总量。腐殖酸能 显提高类胡萝卜素含量, 同时降低蔗糖转化酶活性。可见,有机酸在前中期有 利于氮代谢, 后期则能实现烤烟适时从氮代谢向碳代谢的转化。 :烤烟;有机酸;生长发育;生理代谢 :S572  :A   :1004-3268(2008)02-0035-04 Effects of Different Organic Acids on row th and Physiological Metabolism of Flue-cured Tobacco 1 1,2 1 DU Jun ,JIE Xiao-lei , LIU Shi-liang , 3 3 1 * WAN Wei-chao ,WAN Xue-fen ,H UA Dang-ling (1.Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2.Zhengzhou College of Animal Husbandry Engineering,Zhengzhou 450011, China; 3.Xiangcheng Tobacco Company, Xiangcheng 461700, China ) Abstract :The pot trial was conducted to systematically study the effects of different organic acids on the grow th and physiological metabolism of flue-cured tobacco.T he main results were as fol- lows:In early and mid growing stages, the three organic acids (malic acid, oleic acid and FA ) could obviously promote thegrowth and development of flue-cured tobacco and increase the activ- ities of nitrate reductase and invertase in tobacco leaves,which was in favor of N metabolism.In later growing period, malic acid and oleic acid could obviously decrease the content of leaf chloro- phyll, the activities of nitrate reductase and the content of the free amino-acids of tobacco leaves, while FA could remarkably promote the content of carotenoid and d


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