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第34 卷 第2 期 噪 声 与 振 动 控 制 Vol 34 No.2 2014 年4 月 NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL Apr. 2014 文章编号:1006-1355(2014)02-0173-04 振动能量回收的液电减振装置设计与测试 喻其炳,朱荣荣,李 川 ( 重庆工商大学 废油资源化技术与装备教育部工程研究中心,重庆 400067 ) 摘 要:振动能是环境中广泛存在的,为了减小振动的负面影响,这些振动能常常被人们设计的减振装置所耗散, 造成了能量浪费。提出一种能够将振动能转换成电能的减振装置,采用液压传动发电的原理进行设计,制作了试验样 机,并在实验平台上进行测试。实验结果表明,振动激励频率和负载电阻对收集的电能都有影响,当采用2 Ω负载电 阻,频率为1 Hz 的正弦振动激励条件下,最大瞬时发电功率可达到49 W 。因此,将减振装置运行过程中的部分振动能 转换为电能是可行的。 关键词:振动与波;电能;转换;减振装置 中图分类号:TH 12 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn. 1006-1335.2014.02.039 DesignDesign andand TestTest ofof aa Hydraulic-electricHydraulic-electric DamperDamper withwith VibrationVibration EnergyEnergy RecoveryRecovery YU Qi-bing , ZHU Rong -rong , LI Chuan ( Engineering Research Center for Waste Oil Recovery Technology and Equipment of Ministry of Education, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China ) AbstractAbstract : Mechanical energy of vibration is one of the most popular energies existing in the environment. To reduce its negative affect, the vibration is usually dissipated by artificial dampers, which are in fact the energy-wasting devices. In this research, a damper, which can transmit the vibration energy into electric energy, is proposed. This device is designed based on the hydraulic- electric generation principle. A prototype device is fabricated and tested in a testing platform. The experiment result shows that both the frequency and the resistance of the prototype device have the effect on collection of the electrical energy. The maximum instantaneous po


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