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生物制药工程专业英语 As time passed ,the art of the apothecary became combined with priestly functions , and among the early civilizations the priest-magician or priest-physician became the healer of the body as well as of the soul . Pharmacy and medicine are indistinguishable in their early history , since their practice was generally the function of the tribal religious leaders.随 着随着时间的推移,药剂师的制造工艺以及结合祭司的功能,以及早期文明的药 剂魔法或魔术师成为身体以及灵魂的治疗。制药和医学在早期历史上是没有区别 的,因为他们的做法通常是部落宗教领袖的功能。 civilizationsn. 文明 indistinguishable adj. 不能区别的,不能辨 别的;不易察觉的 Early Drugs 早期的药品 Due to the patience and intellect of the archeologist ,the types and the specific drugs employed in the early history of drug therapy are not as indefinable as one might suspect .Numerous ancient tables ,scrolls,and other relics dating as far back as 3000 B.C.have been uncovered and deciphered by archeologic scholars to the delight of historians of both medicine and pharmacy ,for contained in these ancient documents are specific associations with our common heritage. 由于考古学家的耐心和智慧,早期使用的类型和特定的药物药物治疗的历史 不像人们所怀疑的那样不确定,无数古老的表、卷轴和其他文物约在公元前3000 年被发现和被考古学家破译,令人高兴的是在这些远古的文献中的历史学家医学 和制药包含特定的药物是我们的共同遗产。 Perhaps the most famous of these surviving memorials Papyrus Ebers ,a continuous scroll some 60 feet long and a foot wide dating back th to the 16century before Christ. This document ,which is now preserved at the University of Leipzig , is named for the noted German Egyptologis,George Ebers, who discovered it in the tomb of a mummy and partly translated it during the last half of the nineteenth century . Since that time many scholars have participated in the translation of the document’s challenging hieroglyphics, and although they are not unanimous in their interpretations there is little doubt that by 1550 B.C .the Egyptians were using some drug formulas ,with more than 800 formulas or prescriptions being described and over 700 different drugs being mentioned .The drugs referred to are chiefly botanic ,although mineral and animal


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