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. PAGE .. 我国农产品的国际竞争力评价 摘 要 在全球经济一体化日益增强,国际竞争愈来愈激烈的情况下,作为国际竞争力重要组成部分的农产品国际竞争力问题,已经引起各国的普遍重视。我国是传统农业大国,从20世纪80年代末以来,我国主要农产品产量就已经超越美国,成为世界上农产品生产量第一大国。但是近年来我国农产品出口比例却不断下降,在加入WTO的大背景下,农产品关税逐步下调、非关税贸易壁垒进行关税话已经是不争的事实,在这种情况下,我国农产品将承受更大的竞争压力。 我国农产品在外贸中的竞争优势正呈先下降趋势,目前在整体上已经缺乏国际竞争力。因此,正确分析和评价我国农产品的国际竞争力,充分发挥比较优势,提高其现实和潜在的竞争力,对我国农产品乃至整个的国民经济的健康发展,都具有重要的现实意义。 本文拟对我国农产品国际竞争力问题进行初步研究,全文分三章。第一章,阐述农产品国际竞争力的概念和构成要素,在此基础上,简要对古典经济学的比较优势理论和现代经济学的竞争优势理论的主要内容进行比较。第二章,主要对我国农业和农产品的发展概况进行客观描述。第三章,对于我国的农产品国际竞争力进行分析及评价。 关键字:农产品;比较优势;国际竞争力 Our Evaluation of the International Competitiveness of Agricultural Products Abstract Increasing integration in the global economy, more and more intense international competition cases, as an important part of the international competitiveness of agricultural products in international competition, has attracted widespread national attention. China is a traditional agricultural country, the late 80s from the 20th century, Chinas output of major agricultural products has exceeded the U.S. as the superpower in the world agricultural production. But in recent years the proportion of Chinas agricultural exports has been declining, in the context of WTO accession, tariffs on agricultural products should be gradually reduced if non-tariff trade barriers to tariffs is an indisputable fact that, in this case, Chinas agricultural products will be under greater Competitive pressures. Empirical analysis shows that a large number of scholars, the foreign trade of agricultural products is becoming a competitive advantage in the first downward trend has been present in the overall lack of international competitiveness. Therefore, the correct analysis and evaluation of the international competitiveness of agricultural products in China, give full play to comparative advantages, enhance its competitiveness in the reality and potential of our agricultural products as well as the healthy development of the whole national economy have important practical significance. Thi


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