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第23 卷第4 期 新疆大学学报 自然科学版 V o l. 23, N o. 4
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2006 年 11 月 Journal of X injiang U niversity N atural Science Edition N ov. , 2006
余金鸿, 贾振红, 山拜·达拉拜
(新疆大学 信息科学与工程学院, 乌鲁木齐, 830046)
摘 要: 本文在前有的高斯噪声研究的基础上, 分析了一种由高斯噪声和一种非高斯噪声迭加成的简单混合噪
声的模型, 并且研究了它的窄带双模过程以及数字调制系统的抗噪性能. 在理论研究的基础上给出了仿真结果
关键词: 双模噪声; 数字调制系统; 非相干检测
中图分类号: TN 911. 6 文献标识码: A 文章编号: (2006)
M odels Ana lysis of Som e Non - Gaussian No ises
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YU J in Hong J IA Zheng Hong Senbai D alabaev
(Colleg e of Inf orm ation S cience E ng ineering , X inj iang U niversity , U rum qi, X inj iang 830046 Ch ina)
Abstract: O n the basis of studying the fo rm er Gaussian no ise model, a simp le no ise model m ixed by a Gaussian
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no ise and a non Gaussian no ise is analyzed in the paper M eanw h ile its N arrow band bimodal p rocess and
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function of no ise imm unity in digital modulation system is learned O n the basis of theo retical analysis the
sim ulation results are analyzed and discussed
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Key words bimodal no ise digital modulat