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博士学位论文Abstract 博士学位论文 Abstract The mechanical properties and serving life of castings depend on the microstructures in solidification,it iS very important and realistic to control the formation of microstructures effectively in molding,but there has many controlling parameters,it is unpractical to test them by experiment,the method of numerical prediction is therefore essential for any processing activity.It is well known that the numerical simulation can reduce consumptions,predict solidified microstructures and materials behavior by fewer experiments,obtain the quantitative relationship between mayor processing parameters and the microstructures,and it call offer a credible basis to evaluate and optimize the castings processing SO as to improve their quality. The phase field method is a computing technology,the investigators cail simulate the microstructures directly with it.The phase.field modelincludes a set of equations to depict the phase field,temperature field and solute diffusion field,the phase—field method for simulating the processing of solidification is developed by coupling phase field,temperature field,flow field,and other accessional fields,the microcosmic scales and macrocosmic scales are combined during mold filling and solidifying of the castings. Take the influence of structural fluctuation and energetic fluctuation in interface to dendrite growth,improved binary phase—field model,studied the influence of different anisotropy coefficients、undercooling on shapes of dendrites and distribution of solute for single grain.A new phase-field model for dendrite growth of multiple grains in binary and multicomponent alloys has been developed based on the Ginzberg。Landau theory and phase-field model of single grain. The time discretization and the space discretization of the phase—field equation were discussed in this paper,the initial conditions,boundary conditions,stable conditions and their solution methods were presented.In the process of simulation,



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