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青岛理工大学工学硕士学位论文摘 青岛理工大学工学硕士学位论文 摘 要 空调能耗评估是建筑节能设计中一项重要的环节。对于VRV空调系统能耗 计算现阶段还是使用估算法。因此研究用于计算VRV空调系统能耗的方法非常 重要,本论文采用数据拟合与数学模型仿真论证的方法得出计算VRV系统能耗 的方法。 利用VRV空调系统机组提供的样本参数和理论知识研究实际运行时影响机 组COP的主要因素,即室外空气温度以及建筑房间内的冷热负荷。采用最小二乘 法分别拟合出夏季工况和冬季工况的性能曲线方程并利用Simulink动态仿真对其 验证。根据实际机组运行的COP可进一步计算出机组所消耗的能耗。 室内负荷和室外温度作为计算的输入参数。利用Dest软件计算出青岛市某教 研中心办公楼逐时负荷,并以此负荷值作为数据输入部分。 室外温度数据是由Dest软件中气象参数数据库提供。在此基础上通过研究干 湿球温度关系,求出逐时湿球温度用来计算空调系统冬季工况的能耗。 利用Matlab编程软件完成整套能耗计算系统的编制,并做成可视化界面打包 发布。使用此软件计算一既有建筑VRV系统冬季运行费用,并与集中采暖费用 比较,得出集中采暖费用略高,公共建筑可采用VRV系统以节省费用。 关键词VRV系统;能耗分析;湿球温度;逐时负荷;全年能耗;COP 青岛理工大学T学硕士学位论文 青岛理工大学T学硕士学位论文 Abstract Evaluation of energy consumption is necessary for the design of building energy saving.The method of energy consumption calculation about the variable refrigerant volume systems is estimate method at this stage.Therefore,it is important that the method of energy consumption about VRv will be researched.In this thesis,The calculating method of energy consumption for VRV is obtained through the method of fitting sample data and simulating mathematical model of refrigeration cycle. Using sample parameters about unit and theoretical knowledge research major factors affecting the COP of variable refrigerant volume systems in actual operation, the outdoor air temperature and indoor load.Using least square method to fit out the performance curve equation about the summer and winter operating conditions,and then using Simulink dynamic simulation to V耐匆it.Vvrhen the units in actual operation, energy consumption Can be further calculated witll the data of COP. The energy consumption calculated is based on indoor load and outdoor temperature.Dest software is used to calculate hourly loads of office building whose name is teaching and research center in Qingdao,and the load value is regard as an input data. The outdoor temperature used in this paper is provided by Dest sof:[ware.On this basis,by studying the relationship between wet and dry bulb temperature,the author calculates the hourly


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