新课标必修1教学设计Unit4 Earthquakes 一、二课时.doc

新课标必修1教学设计Unit4 Earthquakes 一、二课时.doc

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第一课时 Warming up 第一步:看多媒体图像和图片了解有关地震海啸等自然灾害,让学生结合看的内容说出描写自然灾害词汇和词组:shake, rise, burst, canal, steam, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, quake, rescue, disaster, survivor…… 第二步:根据所看的内容介绍结合自己对地震的了解,组织两人活动,让学生讨论书中的问题,充分发挥想象力,描述地震后两个城市可能会出现的情况。 Pre-reading 第一步:让同学们想象如果家里发生地震了,应该做些什么? 第二步:分五组分别讨论以下话题: What are the predictions of an earthquake? How to rescue others in a proper way. Do you know the cause of earthquake? How to reduce the damage of an earthquake? 这些问题的设置目的不在于让学生来准确回答,而是在于给学生一个发散思维的空间,让学生置身于这一单元的主题当中,才更能激发学习兴趣和动机。 第三步:看图描述地震前会出现哪些征兆。(建议教师放映一些有关话题的影像材料,增加学生的感性认识,同时印发一些有关地震的文字资料,在此基础上组织学生进行讨论,他们才会更有话说) 第四步:两人讨论更多关于地震的话题: (1) Have you experienced an earthquake? (2) How much do you know about it? (3) Besides earthquake what other natural disasters do you know? (flood,typhoon,hurricane,cyclone,volcano,sandstorm,landslide) (4) Do you know how to measure the strength of earthquake? (Richter Scale) Workbook P62 (这部分听力材料的内容刚好是针对以上话题的,关于地震产生的原因和影响) 第一步:先让学生猜测练习一中的陈述哪些是正确的,哪些是错误的。 第二步:听第一遍并录音完成练习一。 第三步:听第二遍,完成获取信息题。 Homework: Imagine you are a reporter. Try to report the earthquake on TV. Please write down your report on your exercise books. 第二课时?? Reading 第一步:预读,教师事先设计导读性问题,要求学生通过解读标题和插图,阅读文章的开头和结尾,在最短的时间内作答,然后用三两句话概括大意。 Question 1 (can refer to P67 Speaking task ) You are to choose eight things to put into your personal earthquake bag. What are they? Question 2 (the sign before an earthquake) ?Can you describe the pictures in pre-reading in details? Question 3 Do you know anything about Tangshan Earthquake? 第二步:略读,要求学生全文通读,忽略不懂的生词,但是要求分辨出各个段落的大概意思。然后完成课后的第三题。 Main ideas 1. What happened before the earthquake. 2. The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people. 3. The damages of the earthquake 4. The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life. 第三步:在详细阅读之前提示关于唐山大地震的背景:struck at 3.42am. on july 28, 1976;7.8 magnitude;epicenter was 11km below the city of Tangshan;242419 people killed;economic damage of those buried in the rubble were


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