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PAGE 毕 业 论 文 20XX 届 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 专业 XXXXXXX 班级 题 目 基于正交离散过程的蚁群算法 姓 名 XXX 学号 XXXXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师 XXXX 职称 XXXX 二О一 四 年 五 月 七 日 基于正交离散过程的蚁群算法 内 容 摘 要 蚁群算法是一种仿生进化算法,其灵感来源于真实蚁群的觅食机理,这种思想吸收了蚂蚁群体有规律的行为,通过对真实蚁群搜索食物过程的模拟来完成对问题的求解。 本文首先介绍了蚁群算法的研究进展和基本原理,然后对蚁群算法的改进优化和仿真应用分别进行了描述。为了解决蚁群算法在初始阶段执行效率低下、信息素随机分布、路径杂乱无章的缺点,本文采取了几项改进措施。例如:将正交设计方法引入初始化中,创建正交离散过程,形成正交优化的路径设置;优化初始化过程,以便形成初始解;以动态概率转移规则来构造新的路径;精练的选路策略等改进措施的初始路径优化模型。该模型提高了算法的执行效率,其成功应用于解决连续域问题的啤酒配方设计方面,表明该方法是有效可行的,同时开辟了一条解决啤酒配方设计问题的新途径,对蚁群算法解决连续域问题提供了可供参考的模型和求解方法。 关键词 蚁群算法;正交设计;正交离散;连续优化;啤酒配方设计 Ant Colony Algorithm based on orthogonal discrete process (Mechanical and electrical engineering institute, Aviation industry management college in zheng zhou ) Abstract The ant colony algorithm is a novel simulated evolutionary algorithm, which is inspired by foraging mechanisms of real ant colonies. This idea absorbs the regular behaviors of the ants colonies, by simulating the process of the real ant colony’s searching for food to solve the problems. The current research progresses and basic principle of ant colony algorithm are firstly introduced in this paper, then the improvement optimization and simulation application of ant colony algorithm are also overviewed respectively. In order to solve the problems of low efficiency, randomly distributed pheromone, scrambled paths in the initial stage of the ant colony algorithm. Several improved methods of the initial paths optimization model are proposed. For example, the orthogonal design method is introduced to the initial route optimization course so as to create orthogonal discrete process and form the path settings of orthogonal optimization; The initial course is optimized in order to get the initial solutions; Dynamical transfer rules are used to construct the new paths; Refined routing strategies and so on. This model enhanc


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